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▼ Order full yard deodorizing

Tackle those unpleasant pet odors in your backyard!

Our standard yard scooping service includes complimentary “spot” deodorizing that targets organic matter and aims to mitigate the stench of feces and urine that has seeped into the ground.

What is “spot” deodorizing?

On each of your scooping sessions, we will spot deodorize – spraying a small area of your yard that we may find to have an undesirable scent that may stem from excessive dog urine or fecal matter. It may be that section of gravel, that concrete patio, or perhaps that one bush your dog always seems to pee on.

How does it work?

Our deodorizer is a non-poisonous, non-caustic blend of natural enzymes with added lavender oil that helps eliminate organic odors – in fact, it can even be sprayed directly on your dog! (although we promise to stick to your yard when we come to spray). You can learn details about the process here.

Need extra help?
Order a Full Yard Deodorizing

Does your yard need a little extra help with smells this week? Use the short order form below to order a more detailed, full yard deodorizing on one of your scheduled scoops. (For Pet Poo Skiddoo customers only)

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