Set up recurring payment for your pet waste composting service!

Rate is $30 per week, $120 billed every 4 weeks.

Your card will be charged every 4 weeks. A receipt will be emailed to you each time. There are no contracts and you may cancel or adjust service at any time.

Your bin container has a 32 capacity which will be emptied once per week. You may place dog waste, compostable dog waste bags, used paper towels (even if exposed to disinfectants), compostable gloves, as well as compostable cat litter.

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Some other notes:

-Please do not tie closed smaller compostable pet waste bags.
-Please bag all waste in 8 gallon or larger sized compostable bags

Here are a list of helpful articles:
“What Dog Waste Bags are Truly Compostable? (and how to tell)”

List of (Truly) Compostable Cat Litters

Thank you for lowering your clients’ carbon pawprints, the Earth thanks you!