Our 3rd Annual DOGGONE SCARY Online Pet Costume Contest
sponsored by Pet Poo Skiddoo, #1 pet waste removal company in Western North Carolina.
*This contest ended 10/31/17 and the winner has been selected.
Congratulations “Pippa Jensen” on winning this year’s contest with 290 Votes!
We want to send a special thank you to everyone that participated.
Here are some of the most notable photos and personal favs:
Clever Canines
Hounds of the Jungle
Fantasy Fidos
Dog Food
Film Pups
Bark Wars
Spooky Poochies
Ruff, ruff and away!
Want to add more chilling fun to this Halloween season?
Why not head over the read about the The Top 5 Dog Superstitions… including possible explanations. Learn if dogs can really see ghosts and other spooky facts.
Have a Safe and Happy Halloween Everyone!
DOGGONE SCARY Online Pet Costume Contest | 2017