Pet Poo Skiddoo strives to keep our pet-loving community happier, healthier, and safer by lessening the spread of diseases that stem from lingering pet waste.

Dog poop is not just an ugly eyesore that annoys your neighbors, it’s also bad for the environment, hazardous to your health, and gives our lovable canines a bad name. That’s why it is Pet Poo Skiddoo’s daily mission, here in Asheville, to scour pet owners’ yards in search for the recurring dog waste that continues to harm the land of our beautiful mountain town.

How do you find all of the poop?

Our pet waste removal technicians are taught in the art of pooping scooping. As silly as that may sound, we pride ourselves on the methodical technique that we practice, which we have named The ZigZag Scan.

Refer to the graphic below to see how we meticulously inspect your lawn in search of dog poopies. Simply walking around aimlessly is not going to guarantee a thorough search. Using our ZigZag Scan method, we break it down it two main steps. First we follow vertical paths, only inches apart, where we walk up and down, swaying our heads back and forth to find any excreted goodies. Once we have covered the targeted area of your property, we then go for a second round, this time in a horizontal direction, walking left and right. Not only do we search your lawn, but your deck and any sidewalks or pathways you may have.

Pet Poo Skiddoo's ZigZag Scan

We are aware that in a mountain town where a lot of properties are located on fairly large hills. But we are more than willing to make those steep climbs, especially if it means saving the property owners from having to do the exhausting task themselves. For homes that have quite a large property, we will ask the owner to let us know what sections their dog(s) would typically go for when it’s bathroom time.

circling treeThe Pet Poo Skiddoo team also pays close attention to the trees in your backyard as we know that many dogs tend to like defecate on structures taller than themselves. We circle each tree as we encounter them during the ZigZag Scan.

scan gardenHave a garden? Although, we will not walk in it (unless instructed to by the homeowner), we will circle the area and use our eyes to scan up and down to look for any poopies hiding within the greenery. It is so important to keep dog waste out of your plants, especially your vegetable gardens, as it can be quite dangerous to consume or handle the contaminated crops, and can negatively affect the plants’ growth and nutritional value. We highly recommended to completely keep your garden away from your pets at all times, as not only fecal, but urine can contain ammonia and bacteria that will pollute the soil. We suggest placing fencing around your garden or raising it onto a wooden platform in order to prevent your dog from getting in.

deodorizer sprayerWant further protection from the fecal bacteria that may be residing in your yard? During any one of our scheduled scoops, for a small fee, you can request Pet Poo Skiddoo to spray our deodorizing solution during our scan. The formula we use not only dissipates the disagreeable smell, but also kills off many common bacteria that can exist in dog waste.

Small Dogs vs Big Dogs

Some might wonder why we only charge for the amount of dogs you own, but don’t take into consideration the size of your dogs. “Shouldn’t larger dogs cost more money to clean up since there is up more ‘volume’ to what is being taken away?” While yes it is true, the bigger the dog, the bigger your dog’s poops will be, the other side of that is the smaller your dog, the smaller your dog’s poop, which means the harder the poops are to find. While we may take a larger bag away from the property, it can take up to double the amount of time to fill a small bag of miniature droppings.


We Work All Year Round

There are those that assume that picking up their dog’s poop is only necessary in the warmer months, but that when fall and winter come around and the leaves and snow cover it up, it just takes care of itself. Unfortunately this can’t be farther than the truth. This is why Pet Poo Skiddoo works all year round from the hottest days to the coldest conditions.

Don’t “Leaf” it Alone

yardinfallIt has been found that many don’t pick up after their dogs as much during the autumn season because it’s much harder to spot the poo amongst the leaves, but that’s exactly why it is so important to continue to pick up through the season. Because the waste becomes more hidden, it is more likely for you, your pooch or one of your family members to accidentally sit or touch the waste while outside. This is especially true for kids who tend to be in direct contact with the ground and leaves while playing and frequently put their hands in their mouths. In rare cases, children who have touched their eyes after unknowingly handling fecal matter have gone blind.

Some may assume that the leaves will act as a compost pile and aide in the breakdown of the waste, but pet waste breaks down much differently than common compostable items such as food scraps and cow manure. Because dogs have a higher protein (meat) based diet, their waste can be riddled with parasitic eggs that can hatch two weeks after being exposed to the environment. These parasites can wander away from the leaf pile and contaminate your yard.

The “Cold” Truth

yardinsnowOpposite to common belief, dog poop does not dissolve in snow, in fact any fecal matter from Fido gets more dangerous the longer it festers. The average dog poops about ¾ pounds a day. Imagine that adding up over time and not being picked up for the entire winter? When that snow eventually melts, get ready for a shocking surprise when all that dog poop is still there, and what’s worse is that the bacteria has already spread into the environment including your soil, nearby waters, and even the air you breathe.

Pet waste can carry harmful bacteria, parasites, and viruses. It can make people, especially children, very sick. When you leave pet waste on the ground, rain and snow melt runoff carry it to nearby storm drains where it reaches our lakes, rivers, and streams. Once there, it can elevate bacteria levels, consume the oxygen, and release ammonia, which can damage the health of fish and other aquatic life.

During winter storms and heavy rains, Pet Poos Skiddioo might put off your scheduled scoop for a few days, but our general rule of thumb is that if your dog is still able to run outside and do their business, then we’re still able to go out there and scoop.

Smell What’s “Cookin'”

lawnmower during warmer monthsThe hottest times of the year is when odor is at its strongest. Its important during the Spring and Summer months to pick up on a frequent basis not only due to the smell, but the waste tends to quickly get squishy and gross, quickly spreading amongst your grass and making it harder to pick up and separate from your lawn. And if you plan to have your lawn mowed often, you’ll want to make sure all waste is cleared from your lawn beforehand to avoid your mower from chopping it up into smaller pieces and thus further spreading it throughout your yard. No matter how small the fecal matter is chopped up, the parasite eggs still remain, and will remain for further months or even years.

We make no judgment here. It’s not easy to keep up with just one dog’s poop, and even tougher when you have multiple dogs. You might have set up a nice fenced area where you can easily let the dogs out for potty breaks, but whether you’re out with them or not, its difficult to catch exactly where they are going, especially when the different seasons make it harder to spot. It’s not a pleasant job to scoop up poop. It’s icky and smelly and not for the faint of heart. But it is also inevitable that someone has to deal with it. Every dog owner should have a plan for handling your dog’s waste whether you have an apartment, townhouse or a house with a yard. It can be done, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you have to be the one to do it.

We offer dog poop scooping for yards and communities all year round. It’s never too hot, and it’s never too cold. As long as dogs doo their business, so will we.
Pet Poo Skiddoo uses their “ZigZag Scan” Method to Find Dog Poop